A portion control expert is sounding the alarm about a popular TikTok trend in which users, who identify themselves as “Massive Fatty” or a variation of the term, are getting tens of millions of views on diet videos that could amount to 10,000 calories per day. day.

The videos usually start with a message like: “What I eat in a day as a fat bitch who doesn’t give a damn that I’m fat” or “What I eat in a day as a fat person eating whatever I want.” The trend often features hashtags such as “#FatAcceptance” and “#FatLiberation.”

A TikTok user, whose video garnered seven million likes on the platform, showed off her meal of McDonald’s large fries, 10-piece chicken nuggets, a quarter-pound sandwich, fruit snacks, juice and a plate of rice.

Dr. Lisa Young, a nutritionist and adjunct professor at New York University, reviewing the “What I Eat in a Day as a Fat Bitch” videos, said they were extremely dangerous messages that were “anti-medical system and anti-health.”

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Fat Release on TikTok

The trend is for TikTok users to show diets ranging between 5,000 and 10,000 calories per day. (Adobe)

Young estimated that the calories consumed in this trend ranged from 5,000 to 10,000 from nutrient-depleted foods such as Starbucks Frappuccinos, smoothies, candy and fast food. Some users openly admit that they are consuming 10,000 calories.

“There’s diabetes waiting to happen… It’s a ticking time bomb for diabetes,” Young said. “They glorify (obesity)… They say that not only is it okay (to be obese), but you should be happy doing it and you should be happy with where you are, but you shouldn’t brag about it.”


Another video showed her eating cookies, an acai bowl, candy, several slices of pizza and soda.

One video was of a woman, who told the audience she weighs 260 pounds, showing her meal of applesauce, several slices of pizza, breadsticks, Kool-Aid, muddy friends, candy, McDonald’s fries, soda , a Bacon McDouble, ice cream. and bites of French toast.

Obesity disease centers for disease control and prevention.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “controlling your weight contributes to good health now and as you age. In contrast, people who are obese, compared to those with a healthy weight, have a higher risk from suffering many serious illnesses and health problems. conditions.” (Fox News Digital)

“Just looking at some of these meals, they could be consuming more than 5,000 calories (in one sitting),” Young said. “These people don’t care about calories. It’s more of an attitude that it’s healthier for me to eat what I want and do what I want than to pay attention to my health, my weight, my cholesterol and my blood pressure.”

Hundreds of videos circulate on the platform, some of which reach millions of views and thousands of comments celebrating the content. Some of the comments include “kill the boss,” “you’re so pretty,” and “do another one.”


What worried the nutritionist most was that it glorified the diet of young people, especially considering that TikTok dominates among the 12 to 24 age group.

“What worries me is that the younger generation, a 12-year-old, sees these videos… and then they take it to the extreme,” he said.

TikTok has more than 1 billion monthly active users. According to 2022 data from eMarketer, the platform has particular appeal with Generation Z and Generation

Lisa young nutrition

Dr. Lisa Young, PhD, RDN, is an internationally recognized nutritionist and portion control expert.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “controlling your weight contributes to good health now and as you age. In contrast, people who are obese, compared to those with a healthy weight, have a higher risk from suffering many serious illnesses and health problems. conditions.”


The CDC recommends using its MyPlate Plan to determine the appropriate daily calorie intake, which can range from 2,000 to 2,500. It recommends that people check the nutritional information and consider the portion sizes of their meals.

“To find out how many calories you consume regularly, write down the foods you eat and the drinks you drink, as well as the calories they have, each day,” the CDC states.

Fox News’ Alba Cuebas-Fantauzzi contributed to this report.

By Sam