While the crew of 24 has been safely evacuated, the fertilizer shipment “could spill into the Red Sea and worsen this environmental disaster,” he said.

The attack has raised concerns about the Red Sea’s unique coral reefs, which scientists have found are so far resilient to climate change but at risk from other threats.

“The Houthis continue to demonstrate disregard for the regional impact of their indiscriminate attacks, threatening the fishing industry, coastal communities and food imports,” according to the statement.

Although the Rubymar dropped anchor after the missile hit, its operator, the Blue Fleet Group of Athens, says the ship is partially submerged and its engine room is flooded. Recovery operations have begun to tow the stricken ship to the nearby port of Djibouti or Aden.

In a second statement, US Central Command said it had destroyed seven Houthi mobile anti-ship missiles “in self-defense” before they were launched.

A coalition of US and British warships and warplanes has been carrying out strikes against the Iranian-backed group’s military depots and launch sites in a bid to prevent further disruption to the commercially vital waterway.

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By Sam