Earlier this week, the Houthi spokesman said the militants shot down a US drone and damaged a Belize-flagged British cargo ship in their latest attacks on commercial vessels. “The ship suffered catastrophic damage and came to a complete stop,” the Houthi spokesman said. Yahya Sare’e said on social media.. “As a result of the extensive damage to the ship, she is now at risk of sinking in the Gulf of Aden.”

Since November, Houthi rebels have launched more than 30 attacks on commercial and naval vessels in the Red Sea in protest against Israel’s war on Gaza.

In retaliation, the UK and US militaries have been carrying out air and missile strikes targeting Iranian-backed militants.

In a statement on Saturday, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said: “We will continue to make clear to the Houthis that they will bear the consequences if they do not stop their illegal attacks, which are damaging Middle East economies, causing environmental damage and disrupting environment. the delivery of humanitarian aid to Yemen and other countries.”

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By Sam